Flow University

Free Your Potential.

To apply to the Music Leadership Academy, please click here.

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Our Why

Free your Potential.

Each of us is born with limitless potential. The amount of growth that any child experiences by the age of six is worthy of genius. 

Then everything slows down. We enter school. We conform to and accept the limits set for us by others and by society. As we believe to have realized our own personality, with distinct sets of likes and dislikes, we stop being open to growth and change. We embrace our perceived talents and shortcomings. We believe what we’ve been told or directly experienced: that we do one thing well, and another poorly. And these beliefs cage us into a miniature, perhaps even distorted version of ourselves.  

We unconsciously learn to resist our true potential.

Accidental, random growth. Ironically, even the incredible growth we experience in those early years is largely a matter of chance. By random trial and error, we learn to crawl and walk and speak. New skills or habits – just good enough to allow us to progress or achieve a fleeting goal like toddling over to grab a cookie – are formed and forgotten. These chance habits, lacking in grace and skill, are hardly more a definition of who we are or what we can do or become than the randomness of a car accident or winning or losing a lottery. Yet they form the building blocks of our development.

New habits are formed on top of older habits; new skills are formed on top of previously acquired skills.

Re-form your foundation. What if you could go back and re-form your habits, pairing the innocent curiosity of a young child with the understanding and awareness of a more mature person? What would happen if you could make even small improvements to the foundational habits that form who you are?

The answer is simple: profound growth that ripples through your entire identity and expands your potential. 

Small, incremental, transformational improvements. A small improvement at the root of your being creates such a dramatic impact that your talent-level increases. You become objectively smarter. You become capable of feeling with more empathy, in richer shades, and with deeper layers. You move with more balance, freedom, ease and grace. You think with more clarity and depth of perception. It’s as if your inner dancer, poet and thinker becomes more potent. You learn to expect a little more from yourself. Perceived barriers start to collapse.

Each small improvement to your foundation makes you become a little bit more complete, slightly more powerful.

What would happen if such changes occurred in you on a daily basis? What would you become over time? 

Not even you can know, but it will be incredible for you and all those around you to witness and experience it. The positive changes in you will reverberate well beyond your direct circle and environment.

The accumulation of foundational improvements will not simply make you a little more skilled or talented; you will experience radical growth.

This transformation is what Flow University engenders. 

It frees your potential. Or rather, it gives you the tools you need to free your own potential and become the person you were meant to be.

Our How

How is this possible?

Our methodologies are based on “Awareness Through Movement”. Initially discovered and developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, modern scholarship and medical research into "neuroplasticity" – the brain's ability to change and rewire itself at any age – have validated its principles and methods.

Awareness Through Movement lessons often explore slow, tiny, easy physical movements, done with relaxed awareness in such a way the brain rediscovers and analyzes its own habits. It’s as if your brain is taking a microscope to your movement patterns. Change is often immediate and profound. Seemingly small improvements accumulate progressively over time to result in significant growth.

This process becomes both a foundation for learning and an integral part of knowledge acquisition. 

Applicable to all areas of knowledge. Awareness Through Movement rewires us for learning. It operates beneath the surface of other subject matters and skills and throughout their fabric. The ability to use conscious, deep learning in a state of flow also forms the fabric and technique of learning any subject or skill you choose to pursue at Flow University.  

Although on the surface, the process is a physical one, reorganizing our neuromuscular movement patterns, the changes extend far beyond the physical, into one’s psychological, emotional, intellectual and creative states. 

It brings us into a state of flow.

Flow University cultivates your flow

The greatest practitioners of any skill do so in a state of flow. Flow, as described by celebrated psychologist Csikszentmihalyi, is the “optimal state of inner experience in which there is order in consciousness.” It’s a state of being unlocked, unblocked, free and fluid. It can be a physical state, or an emotional, psychological or intellectual state. When it is all these things at once, as you will learn to experience, it is transformational. 

At Flow University, we will show you how to see doors inside of you that open onto expanses of nearly limitless potential. Through those doors, you will gain easy access to flow, and there you will realize your potential.

Why Here, why now?

Moore County is an oasis. It is increasingly becoming a celebrated destination not only for golf, but for its rich arts community and quality of life and health. 

The nearest four-year college is an hour’s drive away. With our rapidly growing population, we’re ideally located for a University. 

Flow University expands our identity, our sense of place. 

Flow University is an opportunity for Moore County to become a national and international destination for the pursuit of one’s true potential. 

Vision: The Big Picture

Year X Goals 

  • To have dramatically and positively impacted the lives of one million students across multiple disciplines and of all ages, in-person on campus and through virtual instruction globally.

  • To have completed construction of the following initial University Departments, as well as auxiliary facilities:  

    • Flow Conservatory: School of Music

    • Flow Conservatory: School of Dance and Theatre

    • Flow Conservatory: School of Fine Arts

    • Neuroplastic Institute of Learning (housing the Awareness Through Movement Training Program, and the Applied Neuroplasticity Research Center)

    • School of Applied Neurology (housing the Neuroplastic Physical Therapy & Applied Neurology Sports Medicine Centers)

    • School of Flow & Applied Creativity (housing the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Incubator Fellowship Institute)

    • Administrative and student buildings

  • To have launched a Master’s Program, and long since received full accreditation. 

  • Be increasingly regarded as the global hotspot for next-generation education and self-realization. 

Course Offerings

In January 2024, Flow University, located at 35 Down Circle, Pinehurst, will open to the public.

Specific course offerings and sign-up will be posted shortly.

For information about the Music Leadership Academy, please click here.